real estate market in sacramento
How Much is My Home Worth in Sacramento Will Shock You

You will be shocked to learn how much is my home worth today.
If you’re wondering how much is my home worth in Sacramento, prepare to be shocked. Could you use an extra $200,000 of equity right now? All the market reports in the world won’t prepare you for the actual value of your own home until you talk with a seasoned Sacramento Realtor. Even Zillow won’t give you a solid number, as the estimates on Zillow are only that, an estimate and, there is no actual website available online that will give you all of the information you seek. Realtors pull data from a number of sources, and we are specialists in many areas of Sacramento.
We have the missing pieces you need.
It’s no secret that during the crash years of 2005 to 2011, I worked with more short sale sellers than any other agent in the area. But then that period ended. I still handle a few short sales here and there, but for the most part, short sales in Sacramento are basically over. Today I specialize in real estate in four counties, ranging from entry-level homes to luxury homes, designing individual marketing strategies for each of my sellers, paying enormous attention to detail, which returns maximum profits to my clients. My team members show homes, and I work with sellers. It’s a winning combination!
Earlier in the week, I ran across a folder from 2012 filled with potential short sale clients who, for one reason or another, elected not to do a short sale. They were sellers who were underwater. That was four years ago. I began looking up the market values of their homes, because it seemed to me they were not underwater anymore. I was absolutely correct. Every single one of these potential sellers now have equity, some have acquired more than $200,000 of equity since that time!
Discovering How Much is My Home Worth
What a shock to examine how much is my home worth and discover it’s not what you thought. People get busy with their lives and are not aware of how much their home has gone up value. It happens even to Realtors. I know an agent who woke up one morning in Minneapolis, realized her home had tripled in value over the past 5 years, and decided it was time to grab the money and get out of that frozen tundra. You might think the same way. You might also think if you’re not planning to sell, what does it matter how much your home is worth?
It matters because if you knew that number, you might decide to sell. To change your life. To upgrade to a larger home, downsize to a smaller home or get the hell outta dodge, whatever. Call me. Call Elizabeth Weintraub at 916.233.6759, and I’ll be happy to answer the question of how much is my home worth. Could you use an extra $200,000 of equity right now?
Sacramento Housing Report for 2016
October 2014 to December 2015 Sacramento Housing Report, Trendgraphix
Even a busy Sacramento Realtor has to stop every now and then and look at the Sacramento Housing Report. This report includes the last 15 months of sales. It shows the number of homes for sale in Sacramento County, the number of homes that are pending and the number that closed for each of the last 15 months. Bear in mind that the pending sales in a previous month could very well be the sold sales in the following month, which means there could be a 30-day or so lag.
For example, this past December, we saw an uptick in sold sales but December pendings had fallen. That’s because many loans were delayed due to the new government TRID guidelines put in place last October. The homes that closed in December most likely rolled over from the pendings in October. I know I had four closings in December that were delayed yet managed to close in 2015, thank goodness.
The bottom line, no matter how you look the numbers, and I have laid them out below for you, we have little inventory in Sacramento. Not very many homes for sale. Which makes this a seller’s market. And prices are going up. The sold prices have appreciated 10.2% over the past year. Our median sales price, one of the best indicators of market movement, has shot to $297,000 from a low of $255,000 a year ago.
If you’re thinking about selling your home, you might want to call top producer who will pull out all the stops to market your home everywhere possible in the Internet world and real-life world — a veteran broker with 40 years in the business — Elizabeth Weintraub at Lyon RE. Call 916.233.6759. California BRE # 00697006.
Check out Elizabeth Weintraub’s client reviews.
Sacramento Housing snapshot from Oct 2014 through December 2015, Trendgraphix