Sacramento Realtor has Oral Surgery and request for repairs go hand in hand. Only in real estate can you not take a few days off to heal up and this was no exception

Sacramento Realtor has Oral Surgery and Request for Repairs.

Sacramento Realtor has Oral Surgery and request for repairs

Sacramento Realtor has Oral Surgery and request for repairs go hand in hand. Only in real estate can you not take a few days off to heal up and this was no exception. Two repair requests came in and a boatload of work. Even when we are under the weather our clients come first. One request was so ridiculous that escrow fell apart. The other one had many local ordinances that we wondered how would it close?  The buyer’s agent from Woodland had a list of repair people who did the work at half the cost. The buyer’s agent set all the work to be billed to escrow!  Sheri has been terrific. Luckily my resources helped pull this escrow together, she is terrific.

I am still working just staying off the phone and working on the computer. All are full ahead of steam. My sellers are out of state so needless to stay they are thrilled. The motto of this story is if you get sick for any reason surround yourself with giving people and you can get through everything. this Sacramento Realtor is grateful beyond belief. Elizabeth Weintraub and team can sell your home and we don’t take off TIME without full coverage from our team. Call us today at 916-233-6759.

— JaCi Wallace

JaCi Wallace

Sacramento Realtor                    Weintraub & Wallace Realtors

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