
A Previous Deputy Sheriff and Now a Sacramento Realtor

Clients are often astonished to learn that I was a previous Deputy Sheriff and now a Sacramento Realtor. I realize these two professions share some similar qualities in common, but not everybody else sees it. I used to joke that the quality of the passengers I drive around now is much better than it was back in 1988!

All joking aside, as a law enforcement officer I often had to problem solve. Solutions were required in split seconds. I worked in West Sacramento, Broderick and Bryte. At that time, it was a pretty rough area. The Yolo County Sheriff’s Department covered all the unincorporated areas of the county. West Sacramento had not yet incorporated.

There was quite a bit of work as drug labs were a staple for the area, and crime was abundant. With approximately 52 hotels on the main strip, there was no shortage of calls for police to respond. A good place to work for a cop, as it was busy night after night. Whatever the dispatcher sent you to do required great problem solving skill and any challenges were immediately dealt with. My job was to keep the peace and protect the public. As a Deputy Sheriff Coroner, I also worked assisting the Coroner’s office and all that entails, I’ll just leave that up to your imagination.

For the first few years, I worked as required in the jail, but I really wanted to work on patrol. I wrote a K9 patrol standard operating procedure. Then bought and trained a dog with my own money. His name was Darth Vader. This did not cost the county one cent and so they agreed to my proposal. I was taken out of jail operations and placed in the patrol division! As a previous Deputy Sheriff and now a Sacramento Realtor, I still love to drive around the county.

I enjoyed my job as a public servant helping people, protecting them and applying the law to the various crimes I encountered. I worked night shifts as I’m a night owl. My job was drive around and look for crimes in progress. I was never bored. Working in Patrol driving all night long was some of the best days of my life. You can never really know your capabilities until they are tested. Fortunately I had great training. I carefully prepared my safety equipment and tools every night. I learned from every encounter. My ability to read people and evaluate situations that appeared out of the ordinary, serve me well to this day. As a previous Deputy Sheriff and now a Sacramento Realtor, I use all my past experience in the present to negotiate the best terms for my clients.

One evening I took my dad on a “ride along.” I pulled over the driver of a car for expired vehicle registration. Came back to my patrol car and ran the suspect’s name with dispatch. He had no driver’s license and he had warrants for his arrest. I put the suspect in handcuffs, patted him down while reading him his Miranda rights. Another squad car transported him to the jail as I had a civilian in my car.

My dad was so shocked that anyone would drive a car without registration, insurance and lack of a driver’s license. He said, ” Kid, you can handle things all by yourself.” I said: “Dad, all problems have to be dealt with as quickly as possible, before they mushroom into more serious issues.” Little did I know that same statement would apply to my job in real estate all these many years later.

If you want to protect your investment in real estate, call the Weintraub & Wallace team today 916-233-5967. We protect your interests.

— JaCi Wallace

Weintraub & Wallace

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