samantha bee

Samantha Bee and El Español for this Realtor

Samantha Bee

Even a Weintraub feline enjoys watching Samantha Bee on TBS

You might not agree with everything Samantha Bee has to say, but her new comedy show on TBS, Full Frontal With Samantha Bee, is very amusing. Further, unlike the rest of the country last night, I did not yet watch the last-ever episode of Downton Abbey (so don’t tell me what happened) because we watched Samantha Bee. The reason is my husband is in charge of the remote control. Ha, ha, no really. The truth is I don’t mind it. I am not the one who is forced to sit there and hit the 30-second-skip-the-commercials button over and over. There are tradeoffs.

That doesn’t mean I don’t have the right to say, no, no, let’s watch The Good Wife because The Magicians can wait, or yes, yes, let’s see Madam Secretary, and why does the logo have one star? Why doesn’t it have three stars? Is she like a sergeant in the hierarchy or something? So, the only way to shut me up is to make sure the batteries in the remotes are working. And perhaps starting our television evening entertainment with Samantha Bee.

The first Samantha Bee show, I didn’t like too much. Esto no me gusta. But like with all new series, sometimes you’ve got to wait until they find their legs, their stride, to get the momentum going. Or, maybe like most people I am exhausted by the trainwreck debates among presidential idiots. Samantha Bee touches on issues affecting that other minority we tend to overlook: women. She also went to Jordan to meet with Syrian refugees — taught them English phrases helpful in America such as “I liked the book better,” and I can’t eat gluten or Netflix and chill.

You never really know how much learning a foreign language can help you. Since I’ve been doing my Spanish lessons almost every night for an hour for about a month now, I have learned helpful phrases in Spanish. At first I bristled a bit over some sentences, thinking to myself, I don’t have to learn this because I’ll never use it. Kind of what I did with my chemistry classes in high school. English: excellent, science: unnecessary, which I regret today, I should point out, darn acid burned half my face.

One of the phrases in my Spanish lesson for restaurants is: I want to speak with the manager. I very confident that I will never want to speak with a manager because a) the manager doesn’t care what an American thinks, b) I’m not a whiny-ass complainer, and c) if I am that upset, I’ll just zing my dinner plate across the room like a Frisbee and scream Esto no me gusta!

Quiero hablar con el encargado. But I will learn this sentence. You never know when it will come in handy. Just because I don’t see a use for it now doesn’t mean it won’t be necessary to know later on. Likewise, just because you might not like the first Full Frontal with Samantha Bee show doesn’t mean you won’t like the next show. Life is unpredictable that way.

And now, for my brief commercial: if you’re looking for a Sacramento Realtor, please call Elizabeth Weintraub at 916.233.6759.

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