
Nobody Likes a Snob

Pompous-arrogant-people-300x200A client shared an annoyance that came from a person she met at her home. You know the type. The self-absorbed who say high-faluteey things on purpose — a tactic used primarily to elevate themselves in your presence — and then pretend that they didn’t mean it that way. It’s more than an annoyance, really, it’s pompous and denigrating. It’s pretending that some people are better than others based on wealth or position. You might even wonder why these types of people are so insecure but then not care enough to hear the answer. Nobody likes a snob or arrogant behavior, unless it comes from your dog.

This particular person was speaking to my client about Sacramento real estate. He casually tossed into the conversation something like: “When we paid cash for our son’s first condo, he wasn’t pleased with the parking situation.” How many people do you know who can a) buy their kids a home and b) pay cash for it? As I said to my client, it was too bad I wasn’t present for that conversation because I would have said, “I hear ya. When my father bought me my first island, I wasn’t happy, either; you know why? Because there was no freakin’ airport. I had to take a stinkin’ boat to get there!”

People, they just don’t think outside of themselves. They forget that nobody likes a snob.

You won’t get any pretense from this Sacramento real estate agent. Just because I do crazy well in real estate doesn’t mean I don’t have time for you or that I don’t get my hands dirty. I have plenty of time for you, and I work hard. I focus on the job at hand. You’ll never look me in the eye and say I don’t understand the fact that nobody likes a snob. If you want an analysis of the highest price you can probably get for selling your home in this market, I’ll be happy to prepare it, and I’ll sell your home. You’ll receive top-notch, high-tech marketing; beautiful, professional photography; and pretty much instant communication.

If you’re thinking about buying or selling a home in the Sacramento area, call Elizabeth Weintraub at 916 233 6759. With almost 40 years in the real estate business, I must be doing something right.

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