top elk grove realtor
How I Listed a Centex Home in Elk Grove Near Sheldon

This Centex home in Elk Grove is for sale at $425K by Elizabeth Weintraub, Lyon RE.
Although this new listing, which is a Centex home in Elk Grove, was a referral to me, the sellers were interviewing a number of agents at the time they talked to me. They asked when was the latest I could shoot photos in order to be on the market on Friday. I should know by Wednesday at least, I figured. Shoot photos on Thursday, go live Friday. We talked, I gave them a few pointers and we discussed where they might move to.
Taking a listing is always a holelistic approach, sellers don’t really want to sell as much as they desire what the final outcome will bring. Plus, they can sense the desperate agents a mile away, the guys who will do anything to nab a listing and don’t much care what happens to the sellers. There aren’t many agents like that in the business, but when inventory dries up, more seem to come out of the woodwork.
I left the Centex home in Elk Grove feeling like I might get the listing and I might not. It would be unusual not to get the listing. Usually, after people talk to me, they just about always decide I am a good fit for them. I have an easy-going demeanor, have been in the business over 40 years, and I sincerely care about my clients. My personality comes through when I talk with them. And I really liked the sellers, but I also felt like there was something else going on.
Turns out, there was. I didn’t hear anything from them on Tuesday. Wednesday afternoon, no word. Then just before I turned off my computer on Wednesday night, they contacted me. The seller’s fiancee texted to ask if I would discount my standard real estate commission because they found agents who would charge less. I quickly launched into an explanation about why they can’t choose an agent based on commission, and then finally I just said: Oh, what the hell. Just go to Zillow and read my last 2 reviews from sellers who initially chose a discount agent they later had to fire.
The seller explained that she kept looking at other agents, talking to other agents but she continually was drawn back to me. I’m all over Elk Grove. Top Producer in Elk Grove, so it’s no wonder. But I was also very pleased she kept pushing my name to the top of the pile. She also said one of the agents she had talked to had put a lockbox on the front of their house, although there was no key in it. Seemed an odd thing to do. For starters, lockboxes should go on the gas meter for safety, if at all possible. It’s too easy to remove a door handle. Plus, why would an agent attach a lockbox without a key? Well, I have my own thoughts about that. Maybe he felt it would push them into listing with him. Like a dog marking his territory.
I’m making an executive decision for the two of us, the seller’s fiancee announced. I want you to list our home. No matter how many listings I take, it’s still a thrill to be selected. My heart takes a little leap every time it happens. That feeling of excitement just never goes away. I uploaded the listing paperwork immediately to DocuSign.
When I arrived at their home yesterday to meet the photographer, the first thing I did was access the rejected agent’s lockbox with my display key. I asked the seller who that listing agent was and she could not remember his name. Well, I sent him a message, I laughed. She didn’t ask me how that was possible. I waited for it. You know, how could I send him a message if I didn’t know who he was? Well, he will see on his Supra lockbox setting that Elizabeth Weintraub opened his unassigned lockbox yesterday, that’s how. And then he will figure who the new listing agent is.
This is a 3 bedroom, 3 bath, over 2,400 square feet*, built in 2009, a Centex home in Elk Grove on the edge of new construction. It will be held open on Sunday from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. This beautiful home features chocolate cabinets throughout, granite counters, ceramic flooring, stainless appliances. The entry boasts high ceilings up to the second floor and clerestory windows. Beyond the railings on the second floor is an open loft area, which makes a great playroom.
3 Donson Court, Elk Grove, CA 95758, is offered exclusively by the largest independently owned real estate company in Sacramento, Lyon Real Estate, and your top Elk Grove Realtor, Elizabeth Weintraub, at $425K. Call 916.233.6759 for more information.
*according to the Sacramento County Assessor and this measurement has not been verified by Elizabeth Weintraub.