top producer agents in sacramento
Sacramento Realtor: I Found You on the Internet

People who say I found you on the Internet are interested in hiring a Sacramento Realtor
The first words I hear from many callers when I answer my phone is “I found you on the internet,” like they are almost embarrassed to admit they were not personally referred to me or they are taking a long shot. Since I’ve been online for the past 25 years and in the real estate business since 1974, I’ve got a lot of experience that shows up online.
You can’t turn around on Google without running into something I wrote or finding a home that is listed for sale in Sacramento popping up. It’s like you can get anything you want at Alice’s Restaurant. Not only do I write articles for as their homebuying expert, but I write plenty of stuff on my own blogs and am interviewed a lot by the media. I suppose this is the stuff agent dreams are made of. I’m very fortunate that people can say I found you on the internet.
Right place at the right time sort of thing. It’s organic traffic that drives people to my website. No trickery, no SEO, no hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on PR companies to market and raise my internet presence like UC Davis. I write stuff people want to read, and they remember my name.
Just yesterday I received a call from a seller in Santa Cruz. We had a long talk. She seemed astonished that she found me online since the internet is not a place she visits. She doesn’t even do email, if you can believe that, but there are plenty of people who lead productive, happy lives without the internet. Just because you and I cannot fathom that reality doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
She was a bit upset that my cellphone number began with 916. She said that probably means I am a Realtor in Sacramento and she needs a person like me in Santa Cruz. Have you ever tried to find a duplicate you in a parallel universe? I did go on a hunt and found an agent I think might be a good fit her. It’s not really an agent that I can say I found you on the internet, but I did do a search for low level license numbers.
My license number is 00697006. That means I was licensed as the # 697,006 agent in California. We have more than 2 million real estate licenses now. I got my license in the late 1970s. If you want to call me and say I found you on the internet, that’s perfect OK. That’s music to my ears. If I can’t work with you, I’ll refer you to an agent in your neighborhood.
Call Elizabeth Weintraub at 916.233.6759.
Sacramento Real Estate Team Celebrates Friday at the Riverside Clubhouse
Clockwise, Dan Tharp, Shaundra Bradley, Elizabeth Weintraub, Josh Amolsch, Amy McMullan and Kim Hedges.
Before I left for my Minneapolis trip last week, all of my Team Weintraub members got together for a Friday happy hour at Riverside Clubhouse in Land Park. The only thing I regret from the experience is that Barbara had to leave early and, as a result, was not included in the photographs we later shot. But what a blast for this Sacramento real estate team to meet for a couple of cocktails and dinner on a Friday. We often talk by phone, email and communicate through text, but meeting up with each other is a rare occurrence, to get us all together in one place.
The problem was the engagement was too rich, too full of laughter and sharing with each other that we didn’t think to take a photo earlier. I did that last week in Minneapolis. I was sitting in a bakery cafe at Bachman’s on Lyndale, visiting with Gary Lee Joyner, an old friend, extremely talented musician / artist. We had hitchhiked to Washington D.C. together in 1969, along with my girlfriend from Wayzata, to march against the war in Vietnam. I thought to shoot a picture of the Christmas decorations in the lobby of Bachman’s, but I never got a photo of the two of us, much less of him, even though it had momentarily crossed my mind. I was too focused on the conversation. The moment at hand.
Your work family is like family when you’re in Sacramento real estate. We all support each other and I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I can go anywhere in the world and my Sacramento real estate team members will take care of business, and vice versa. We are not Paul Simon; we are not an island. We’re a group of veteran professionals committed to the core philosophy that our clients are the focus. We don’t want simply “satisfied” clients, we want our clients to be ecstatic and to find comfort in the fact that we will always go that extra mile for them.
Our Sacramento real estate team work does not fall through the cracks. We rarely make a mistake, probably because we’ve made so many decades ago as we learned the Sacramento real estate business, and we learn from our own mistakes. We don’t want to repeat a mistake twice because that’s idiotic.
I hand-picked the members of my team because they show the same work ethic and dedication to excellence that I see in myself. We are similar stock, although we come from all walks of life and bridge generations. If you are hoping to buy or sell a home in the four-county area of Sacramento, please call Elizabeth Weintraub at 916.233.6759. You’ll get a Sacramento real estate team to support your transaction, along with a top ranking Sacramento Realtor.
Why Sacramento Listing Agents Do Not Need Listing Presentations
Trying to figure out if listing agents are on the level is often a gut thing for sellers and buyers. In fact, trying to determine if any sales person is handing you a pile of crap can be difficult because so many salespeople use scripts, canned presentations, or memorize lines designed to confuse or instill fear. I’ve certainly been running across the BS when updating my website, but at least I have a designing background and formal html education, and yet they still try to snowball me.
One web designer read my featured blog on Active Rain about 7 tips for updating your website and left me a voice mail yesterday about how she “suddenly” discovered Google errors and offered help. That web designer is a big part of the reason I’ve had to pay to have my site reconfigured and then redesigned a second time. Another put my website on an old server, and reconfigured the outdated server to work with my website rather than coding my website for my own host server. Both were horrid experiences. The sales presentations were good but the performances were terrible.
I was thinking about that when I met with a seller yesterday in West Sacramento. She has been talking with several listing agents about listing her home. I could use scripts and whatnot in my business, but I don’t. I just wing it. If you can believe that, and it’s true. Every person is different and every situation deserves a custom approach. I don’t worry about first impressions, persuading sellers to do business with me, or reciting prepared speeches. I just talk with them. I listen to their objectives and questions and do my best to address.
They either like me or they don’t, I figure. Guess I’m pretty lucky because most of the time they do. During this conversation yesterday at my seller’s home in West Sacramento — and I don’t even recall what I was saying — all of a sudden the seller blurted: You’re hired. That quick pronouncement took me by surprise but what the hey, I told her that was great, thank you, and she made a good decision. Because it was and she did.
As one of Sacramento’s top-producer listing agents, I don’t use a prepared listing presentation. Oh, of course, I email a comprehensive comparative market analysis, but the rest of my visit is devoted to finding out what my sellers want and delivering. I don’t need or use props. No 100-page books, literature or flip charts. People do business with other people. My impressive track record and 40+ years of experience speaks volumes, but I am the only person who speaks solely for me. And I believe that’s what sellers appreciate.