top real estate brokerages in sacramento

The Top 5 Real Estate Brokers in Sacramento

Land-Park-AgentIf you’ve ever wondered who are the top real estate brokers in Sacramento and our four-county area, the first place a person who is not in the business would look is the number of real estate signs in any given community. You will see Lyon Real Estate’s red-and-white signs everywhere. There is a reason for that.

On top of them are often SOLD sign riders. Sometimes we sell homes so quickly that there is not enough time to plop a sold sign on the post before the sign company comes out to remove the sign. Sometimes we run out of SOLD signs, too. Sometimes sellers want backup offers and don’t want others to know the home is sold. There is one thing you can pretty much count on though, and that’s the home will be sold. Look at this market leader chart below, covering our four-county area in Sacramento as of November of 2013:

Lyon Market Leader Nov 2013

The fact is a lot of inventory on the market in Sacramento is overpriced, maybe half of it, in what limited inventory we have. That means some sellers are realistic about what they can get because their homes are selling and some sellers are not. Some sellers will need to wait for a better real estate market, if there is such an animal, in which to sell.

Some buyers think we’re stuck back in 2010 with low prices, too. They don’t like to see prices going up, and they don’t want to pay them. So, the buyers who are closing escrow are the buyers who are meeting market value, and the sellers who are selling are those who are selling at market value. Nobody is really “winning.” That combination is difficult to put together in this market, and it’s becoming more difficult, even for us top producers, but that’s where we shine the brightest!

Who says you have to win? Some buyers just want a nice home and roof over their heads before the rains start.

It doesn’t mean the sky is falling or prices are falling or the market is going to hell in a hand basket, it means we have to work smarter and, yes, harder, as real estate agents to continue to provide excellent service for our clients. We can’t just stick a sign in the yard. But on top of this, there are still plenty of good reasons why sellers choose a Lyon Real Estate agent over any other real estate agent in the Sacramento area. They are illustrated above.

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