trip to Hawaii

Aloha Maui and Mahalo for My Summer Vacation

Running through wavesI know lots of successful people who never get away for a vacation, much less get to spend 10 days in the middle of the summer on Maui, and I am so incredibly grateful for the support of my team who allows this kind of escape. Sometimes luck is on your side. I can’t tell you anything of importance that happened, either. Because nothing happened. Except for the important part, the part where my friend and team member Barbara Dow and I have learned how to master the art of doing nothing. Aloha. It’s not easy.

You may scoff, but doing nothing is difficult. You might say give me a Budweiser and beach chair, and I’m good, but dollars to doughnuts after a few days of that and most people would go stark raving mad. It takes absolute concentration. Do you take off your sandals to run barefoot through burning sand or do you wear them part way and then leave them on the beach to be swept into the surf? How far out into the ocean is it safe to swim before a shark might eat you? Should you have lunch served on the lawn or on a restaurant terrace? These are the kinds of decisions we had to face every single day.

Fortunately, we are Sacramento real estate agents who make dozens of tough decisions all the time. We constantly guide our clients to make the correct decisions for themselves.

I feel like we are a solar battery that needs to get recharged every six months, no matter what. We will come home feeling completely rested and ready to face all of the exciting challenges that will surely face us over the next 6 months.

We might even sneak in one more stroll in the surf before our driver arrives to whisk us away to the airport. We have husbands and houses and pets and friends and careers waiting for us at home. But we’ll always have memories to treasure of 10 wonderful days perfecting the art of doing nothing in Maui. Aloha Maui.

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