ukulele shop in kona

Just Ukes Offers Wide Variety of Ukuleles in Kona


Annie at Just Ukes and her dog pose with ukuleles.

Little did I realize we were visiting Just Ukes, a small Hawaiian shop filled with a big assortment of ukuleles in the Kona Inn Shopping Village, but after we parked to pick up gifts at Na Hoku, that’s where we went. I often bring home presents for my hard-working team members and the best transaction coordinator in the world from my wor-cation in Hawaii every December. It seems there are always odds and ends that need attention, and they pick up the slack for me. I am more appreciative of their efforts than gifts can convey, but I try.

My husband said he wanted to stop in the store. It was closed when we walked through the shopping area a few days earlier. Since I had no yearning to look at ukuleles, I didn’t notice. I was focused instead on heading over to an art gallery by Bubba Shrimp. Thought maybe we’d check out local artists. Unfortunately, the stuff that is available in this tourist area of Kona is geared toward what tourists will buy, and let’s just say, oh, there’s no good way to put it,  it’s god awful.


Just Ukes is located in the Kona Inn Shopping Village.

This particular day, though, Just Ukes was open. Ukuleles of all colors and types of wood. I did not know why my husband felt the need to look at ukuleles. I dragged him through pearl stores and god awful art galleries, if he wants to stop at Just Ukes, so be it. Besides, I got to meet Annie. She is one of those women with a huge heart, you can just tell.

She shared that she tried to pass her salesperson’s exam to obtain a Hawaii real estate license and had failed. I said, “Don’t feel bad. I failed the California real estate exam 5 times before I passed.” Of course, the problem was this Sacramento Realtor did NOT study. Back in the 1970s, I was cocky enough to stupidly believe that my years in the title insurance industry and as a certified escrow officer constituted enough knowledge to pass the California real estate exam.

The art of selling Sacramento real estate and the practical knowledge that accompanies the business has very little in common with the real estate exam. The fifth time, I studied for the exam and aced it. My two takeaway points for Annie were a) don’t give up and b) for crying out loud, study. Annie jumped up from behind the counter and squeezed her arms around me in a big bear hug.

While all of this girl bonding was going on, my husband found a ukulele he liked and decided to buy it. What? I was stunned. Even after 20 years, he is still filled with surprises. I guess he will learn to play his ukulele from Just Ukes. He is such an incredibly amazing man, and I am lucky I was smart enough to marry him.

Further, Annie says, just so you know, ukulele is pronounced OO-KOO Lay Lay. If you’re in Kona, Hawaii, stop by Just Ukes at 75-5744 Alii Drive, Kailua-Kona, 808-769-5101. Tell Annie hello from Elizabeth.

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