why do we have daylight savings

What Daylight Saving Means to This Sacramento Realtor

daylight savings time realtorsThe one thing that happens twice a year whether we like it or not is not going to the dentist to get your teeth cleaned, it is when we lose an hour of sleep or gain an hour of sleep. We’re all in the same boat in California. Not that boat which is sinking because there are too many people living in this state using up precious resources but the boat from which zombies embark, wandering aimlessly, bumping into things, because our sleep is robbed and messed up. I intensely dislike adjusting to daylight saving time. It’s like living in Colorado smack dab in the middle of Sacramento without the jet lag.

My mother used to say daylight saving time is the fault of the farmers. Back when we had no electricity and farmers got up with the chickens to till the land. Yet, today, we have electricity. We have lights. Sure, our small family farms are vanishing, and our food supply is in jeopardy, but we have electricity. When you’ve got corporate drones tilling the fields, they can supply their own electricity and work at night if it increases bottom-line profits, so why do we need daylight saving time?

For a Sacramento REALTOR, it means she can show homes after dinner and work longer hours. Because I still rise at the same time every morning, whether it’s spring or fall. The only thing daylight savings does is make my days longer. I force my body rhythms to adjust because there is no other choice. Everything is disrupted, especially meals. Noon is too early for lunch when it’s really 11 AM.

I say this as a person who used to sleep in until noon when she was younger. My first book of poetry, for example, was titled, Obnoxious is the Morning Sun. But today, with my Sacramento real estate business, I have to be out of bed and working before everybody else hits the streets.

Why can’t we adjust to these things over Christmas week, when much of the world is on vacation? Or just stop doing it? You know, like pick one time you like and stick with it? Like your spouse or a cellphone carrier. The best thing about today is it is Sunday, so there is still time for an after-breakfast nap.

This is a perfect day for open houses in Sacramento, though. The sun is out, temperatures are creeping into the high 70s, and spring is upon us. I sold my listing in Land Park last Sunday and expect to sell another home in Land Park today. No time left to gripe about daylight saving.

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