worst christmas movie
Review of Office Christmas Party Movie in Kona
Office Christmas Party is playing in Kona at the Regal Makalapua Stadium 10.
Thank goodness there are people in the world like me who will go to see the movie Office Christmas Party so you don’t have to. Why did I choose that particular movie, you might ask? It’s not exactly thought-provoking, enlightening, entertaining or even hilarious in an offbeat kinda way that you would expect from the talented big-name comics in the movie.
But it was a movie my husband would not see, so it had that going for it. We try to save the movies we both want to enjoy for when we are together, since we both like good movies. Whenever I travel or my husband goes out of town, I carefully choose my entertainment, as does he, not to purposely deprive the other from the mutual experience.
This means checking with each other before we commit to a movie. Often it’s OK because my husband gravitates toward certain types of movies I do not like shoot-em-up war movies. I lean more toward chick-movies than he does. So there are tradeoffs. I honestly hoped that Office Christmas Party, starring that curly-mopped guy from TV’s Silicon Valley, Kate McKinnon from Saturday Night Live, Jason Bateman, Olivia Munn, and that guy who played Johnnie Cochran in The People vs. O. J. Simpson, would transcend the obvious movie plot.
The movie plot of Office Christmas party is not important. The jokes are more important than the storyline, and unfortunately, there were only 2 jokes in the entire movie that made me laugh, which is two more than anybody else in the movie theater chuckled about. My favorite character was the Madam with the gun. Especially the part where Jennifer Aniston yells at her brother Clay to pull over during a goofy dual racing car scene, and the Madam waves her gun at Clay screaming that, see, he won’t pull over.
The other joke was in reference to the movie Up and the name Carol. Did I mention I was one of 3 couples in the theater and I was alone? Or that I made the mistake of attending a closed-caption movie, which is like going to a foreign feature film except the actors speak English but you can’t really understand much of it so thank goodness the words are on the screen? Oh, and the movie isn’t good enough to make you forget you are reading.
I also strolled into the Regal movie theater without a ticket. Well, I bought a ticket on Fandango because I hate to stand in lines if I don’t have to. At the Regal Makalapua near our vacation house, you enter the confirmation number for the ticket into an ATM, which prints a ticket. But nobody asked for my ticket. You can just waltz into that theater and plop down. Even for free, though, Office Christmas Party is a bad deal.