Thinking About Selling a Home in Sacramento?

Selling a home in Sacramento seller’s market can be a bit daunting. All of your real estate activity should be timed to coincide with the best time to go on the market to garner maximum exposure, and an experienced Sacramento real estate agent can be invaluable to you in that regard. Not only do you want to receive an exceptionally good offer, which is highly doable in a seller’s market, but most people want to quickly sell. You know who wants to sell the fastest? The people without equity, and that means a short sale seller.

See, putting your home on the market right now is kind of like tossing a piece of bread in the air to a flock of seagulls. That chunk of bread will never hit the ground. If you’re selling with equity and don’t mind the traffic of Grand Central Station, you can take your time, position your opening market day and employ a bit of strategy to get a bunch of offers. You’re going for price. You’re hoping for an all-cash offer and to avoid having to rely on an appraisal. Appraisers are all over the board right now.

If you’re selling a short sale though, that’s a totally different approach. You don’t need a bazillion offers. You need one committed buyer with a strong offer meeting market value who will close. That’s it. Not 55 offers, like I hear that some sellers are receiving. That’s insane, and there is absolutely no logical reason for it. A short sale seller with 55 offers is a seller whose agent is a butthead.

There are some communities in Sacramento in which this real estate agent won’t even put up a For Sale sign. That’s because I can’t trust agents not to use a lockbox without discretion in those areas even if I do not disclose there is a lockbox. Yes, believe it, it’s so bad — no For Sale sign! Can’t chance it. What happens is an agent is out showing property, and they drive by a brand new listing sign. Oooo, their buyer points at the house and asks to see it. The buyer’s agent, instead of calling the listing agent for information and looking up the listing on MLS, might just stop the car and look for a lockbox. Are they supposed to do this? No, they are not. But they do it.

Buyers are desperate to buy a home. I imagine at least half of the buyers out looking at homes this month will not buy a home. That’s disappointing. We need more inventory. If you’re thinking about putting your home in the market in the Sacramento Valley, call Elizabeth Weintraub at 916-233-6759. It doesn’t matter if you have equity or if you need to do a short sale, I’ve got strategies and proven plans to make your home selling process as profitable and painless as possible. I will customize a home selling strategy for you that fits your personal situation. It doesn’t get any better than that.

This Sacramento real estate agent sold over 150 listings last year. More than $32 million in sales. More than 100 of those listings were short sales. Other agents hate it when I say this but it’s the truth: in this business, you can hire experience and a proven track record for the same price as a brand new agent! Which do you deserve?

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