Three Humpback Whales Breaching in Kailua Bay

whales breaching

Just across the water from Kona Haven Coffee, there were 3 humpback whales breaching in Kailua Bay last week. A local Kona woman caught all of the action live on her iPhone. Well, she missed the first whale because you don’t expect that to happen when you’re paddle boarding. Kathy Daly videotaped the whales breaching while screaming with sheer delight.

Her video made me smile ear-to-ear. I’ve been watching whales all week, just about every beach features humpback whales. Even while at Makalawena Beach yesterday, there were dozens of whales on the horizon blowing water.

This is amazing footage. What is not amazing is how nasty some people have been. I purposely have not read the comments on some of the links because I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life. But West Hawaii Today reported that some people said horrible things. What is wrong with people that they have so little sense of self worth, that their own inadequacies force them to display such a-hole behavior?

I’d like to wait until all the hoopla dies down over the video of whales breaching so I can ask Ms. Daly where she got the waterproof bag for her iPhone. I am dying to take my iPhone snorkeling, but I am too afraid to rely on online advertising to buy such a thing. Because if it leaked, I am hosed.

The new XR shoots tremendous underwater photos. A woman at the Patton Oswalt show at the Blue Note last month showed me a video she created featuring schools of yellow tangs, and it looked like National Geographic filmed it. If anybody knows what kind of waterproof case to get, please let me know.

Elizabeth Weintraub

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