Water Meters in Land Park Installed at My House Today

Water meters in Land Park are being installed today at a Realtor’s home.
It’s amazing to have lived in Sacramento for 15 years now and we have no water meters in Land Park. This is a major metropolitan city that is no stranger to drought, but no water meters. I’ve lived all over the country. Never have I lived in a place where we didn’t pay for water based on usage via a water meter. Well, that is all coming to an end today. We knew water meters are coming to Land Park since last May.
Of course, as you can tell by the photo above, I’m not sure if I will be able to get out of my driveway today. What I need to do is stop typing and go outside to engage with the workers and plead with them to let me out. Last Friday was tough enough. I had one of those emergency listing appointments, the kind where the seller absolutely needs to meet with me immediately, so I have to quickly reschedule other activities or drop what I’m doing and run . . . which, let me tell you, is why I am a top producer.
They had dug a big trench in front of my house. Installing water meters in Land Park kept those workers busy all day, and I didn’t want to interrupt their schedule. They have everything organized and planned out to a T. But I had to get out, so I begged and pleaded, and they let me out. Which is good or I would have had to drive over my lawn. When I came home, I could not get into my driveway at all so I parked on the street, well, on the sidewalk was more like it.
My neighbor asked me why didn’t I park in his driveway? Well, they weren’t blocking his drive, so I figured they would not ticket me nor tow my car. Besides, I’m in Sacramento real estate, which gives me the right to make U turns over yellow lines. Just ask me. I’ll tell you.
So today, while the water meters in Land Park are being installed, you can bet I’ll try to be away from my home office all afternoon. I have an appointment in Elk Grove and another in Foothill Farms. This way when I come home the water meters in Land Park will be all installed on my street, and the temporary parking restrictions and CAT digging business will be over.