What Will a Sacramento Home Seller Take?

What Will a Sacramento Home Seller Take?

What will a Sacramento home seller take? This is the question I get from 8 out of 10 agents when calling about a listing. I was perusing Elizabeth’s first blogs. Inserted below is an excerpt from one of her early blogs pasted below in italics. It surprises me that these agents continuing calling on our listings to ask these questions. Our fiduciary duty is that we will promote and protect our seller’s interests above anyone else’s, including our own. Why would we ever put a buyer’s agent’s interest above my sellers?

So, what will a Sacramento home seller take? Great question. A suggestion, write an offer and find out.

— JaCi Wallace

What is a little bit wild are the calls and emails that I’ve been receiving from buyer’s agents. They all want to know what the seller will do and what the seller will accept. I am just the listing agent. I’m not inside the seller’s head. I don’t make decisions for the seller. It’s the seller’s house, and she can sell to whomever she wants in this market. It’s a seller’s market. If your buyer is not a cash buyer, you’re probably at a disadvantage, but not necessarily. There are some sellers who care more about the type of person who is making the offer than the type of offer. But let’s not fool anybody, cash offers, as long as the buyer is not a jerk, are more likely to win. — Elizabeth Weintraub.

This is a really good time to be a seller in Sacramento. If you’re searching for an experienced and straight-forward Sacramento Realtor to help you get top dollar for your home, call Weintraub and Wallace Realtors with REMAX Gold. We can be reached at 916 233 6759. We will gladly help you to navigate these offers.

Weintraub & Wallace

JaCi Wallace
JaCi Wallace

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